Sentence for claude | Use claude in a sentence

Sentences for claude. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use claude in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for claude.

  • Claude de la Tour, the father, was a brave and courtly Huguenot. (19)
  • It deprived Sir Claude of his hopes, even of his refuge at Port Royal. (19)
  • On board one of the captured ships of the French fleet was the hope of Acadia, in the person of Claude de la Tour. (19)
  • After writing his son a letter urging him to obedience, Sir Claude bethought him of the effect of cannon and muskets as arguments. (19)
  • Claude began by telling his son Charles of the flattering reception he had met with in London, and the honours that had been heaped upon him. (19)

Also see sentences for: clattering, clause.

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