Sentence for contemplative | Use contemplative in a sentence

Sentence using the word contemplative. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use contemplative in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for contemplative.

  • Lavender, who was still contemplative, precisely where they had gone up. (8)
  • He glanced over them in turn, and commenced leisurely the puff contemplative. (10)
  • He glanced over them in turn, and commenced leisurely the puff contemplative. (22)
  • It chews the contemplative cud In peril of isolate scorn, Unfed of the onward flood. (10)
  • The full and steady contemplative eyes had taken their fixed expression, after a vanishing affectionate gaze of an instant cast upon Agostino. (10)
  • Or how could Cornelia persuade herself, as she certainly persuaded Sir Twickenham and the world about her, that she had a contemplative pleasure in his society? (10)
  • Epsom permitted it; but Ewell contained a sturdy citizen, who, smoking his pipe under his eaves, contemplative of passers-by, saw strife rushing on like a meteor. (10)
  • Epsom permitted it; but Ewell contained a sturdy citizen, who, smoking his pipe under his eaves, contemplative of passers-by, saw strife rushing on like a meteor. (22)

Also see sentences for: meditative, pensive, rational, reflective, speculative, thinking, thoughtful.

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