Sentence for destitution | Use destitution in a sentence

A sentence for the word destitution. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use destitution in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for destitution.

  • The very gendarme was appalled before such destitution. (2)
  • If so, did the fact argue habitual destitution, or merely habitual leisure? (9)
  • What a chance to put something between them and destitution when he had joined the majority! (8)
  • I am no longer young enough to push all obstacles brutally out of the way, so utter destitution threatens us. (12)
  • The horses were the great attraction for them, and, perhaps in concession to their habitual destitution in this respect, the riding was providentially very good. (9)

Also see sentences for: absence, deficiency, lack, need, poverty, privation, want.

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