Sentence for dispositions | Use dispositions in a sentence

Sentences for dispositions. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use dispositions in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for dispositions.

  • Very lofty dispositions. (8)
  • My dispositions were speedily made. (6)
  • So he made dispositions for a concert to be given in Chippenden town. (10)
  • All her dispositions were made for death-bequests to servants and to . (10)
  • Never to be sure were there two more different Dispositions in the World. (4)
  • There, such as were not as spotless as an angel might have the dispositions of a fiend. (4)
  • Theatrically he made his final dispositions, and summoned his friends to hear his last words. (12)
  • I handed a sovereign to the three men, complimenting them on the humanity of their dispositions. (10)
  • Those who attend will be made aware of the dispositions for the week, and the day we shall name for the rising. (10)
  • My recollection is that our fellows down there in their shallow trenches noted these portentous dispositions without the least manifestation of incivility. (7)

Also see sentences for: disposal, dispose, disposed, disposes, disposition.

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