Sentence for extemporize | Use extemporize in a sentence

A sentence for the word extemporize. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use extemporize in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for extemporize.

  • His greatness not so much in genius lies As in adroitness, when occasions rise, Lifelong convictions to extemporize. (14)
  • Adrian had to extemporize, that the baronet had gone down to Wales on pressing business, and would be back in a week or so. (10)
  • With Wölfl, another distinguished rival, his relations were those of mutual esteem, and the two masters delighted to extemporize dashing capriccios on two pianofortes. (3)

Also see sentences for: exquisitely, extend.

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