Sentence for inseparable | Use inseparable in a sentence

Sentences with inseparable. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use inseparable in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for inseparable.

  • But at the boat Miss Anderson and her aunt were inseparable. (9)
  • Meanwhile, he turned to little Gyp, so that they became more or less inseparable. (8)
  • These two, Giles and Jesse, were so alike and so inseparable that they were known as the Dromios. (8)
  • I do not know what be came of this friend, or where or how he eliminated himself; but we two others were inseparable from that moment. (9)
  • The two friends, with hearts now more united than ever, were inseparable for the day; and in schemes of sisterly happiness the hours flew along. (4)

Also see sentences for: bearable, comparable, incomparable, incomparably, irreparable, parable, unbearable.

Definition of inseparable:

  • inseparable, in-sep’ar-a-bl, adj. that cannot be separated. | ns. insep’arableness, inseparabil’ity. | adv. insep’arably. | adj. insep’arate (_shak._), not separate, united.(0)

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