Sentence for lament | Use lament in a sentence

Examples of lament sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use lament in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for lament.

  • If my end were at hand I should have no cause to lament it. (10)
  • My body trembled and my teeth chattered, and I let her speak and lament. (12)
  • When once it had been read, there was no doing any thing, but lament and exclaim. (4)
  • Publishers of magazines lament that readers do not care for articles on literary subjects. (16)
  • It was a quality going, and a quality coming; nor will we, if you please, lament a law of growth. (10)
  • At that the countess began to lament her pecuniary embarrassment and complain of the impatience of her creditors. (12)
  • Her reappearance, with a lament about the unsatisfactory locality of her seat, may be confidently expected later. (21)
  • Eight of their wickets had fallen for a lament able figure of twenty-nine runs; himself clean-bowled the first ball. (10)
  • My Freinds are all alarmed for me; They fear my declining health; they lament my want of spirits; they dread the effects of both. (4)
  • Did not the age which followed Fielding lament the treachery of authors to the Picaresque tradition, complaining that they were not as Fielding and Smollett were? (8)

Also see sentences for: bewail, deplore, grief, grieve, lamentation, mourn, plaint.

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