Sentence for production | Use production in a sentence

Sentences for production. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use production in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for production.

  • That; and the production of such as me. (8)
  • Her production of a man-child was the further and grosser offence. (10)
  • This alliterative production was written without any sense of the peril that makes prophecy. (10)
  • Prices in this country are never put up except when some kind of scarcity increases the cost of production. (7)
  • This led to the remarkable activity in the production of sacred music which is such a feature of that period. (3)
  • At first he followed Brahms and the stricter school, and his F-minor symphony is a worthy production in that form. (3)
  • The group at least attests, even in this event, the wide, the wild, variety of my literary production in time and space. (9)
  • She is the artificial production of a state that exalts her so long as she sacrifices daily and hourly to the artificial. (10)
  • To this end the composer directed his attention principally to the production of arias which should correspond to this demand. (3)
  • Yet the necessary capital and the cost of production are so much smaller than ours that their various backers can afford to keep them afloat. (16)
  • All their laws, and particularly such as relate to money matters, shall be the production of this assembly, with the concurrence of a Viceroy. (18)
  • As they walked silently across the meadow, Richard strove to remember the hour and the mood of mind in which he had composed the notable production. (10)

Also see sentences for: bearing, surrender, yielding.

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