Sentence for progressed | Use progressed in a sentence

Sentences using the word progressed. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use progressed in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for progressed.

  • As her illness progressed her fear for the pearls rose and rose. (12)
  • As the war progressed the violence of the revolutionists grew in intensity. (19)
  • Up to the circus grounds we progressed and I ambled to the horse tents and stopped mechanically. (21)
  • But as the speaker progressed, in periods punctuated by applause from what, by his experience at the door, Mr. (8)
  • So Richard was crossing the sea, and hearts at Raynham were beating quicker measures as the minutes progressed. (10)
  • Then too the operations progressed slowly because that day at noon his finger had been badly cut by the bursting of a glass retort. (5)
  • The conversation progressed, until Adela, by chance, turned her eyes up a cross pathway and perceived her sister Cornelia standing with Mr. Barrett under a beech. (10)
  • No voice was more important than another, all progressed according to canonic law, their complex intertwining practically destroying the essentially secular elements of accent and rhythm. (3)

Also see sentences for: program, programme, progress, progression, progressive.

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