Sentence for prop | Use prop in a sentence

Examples of prop sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use prop in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for prop.

  • Lately the dear Fields have been a great prop. (14)
  • A wooden prop replaced the flesh and bone of his right leg below the knee. (21)
  • These were hung from the top, and when opened were held in position with a prop on the outside. (17)
  • Dr. Shrapnel was planted against the wall outside that raving chamber, at the salient angle of a common prop or buttress. (10)

Also see sentences for: bolster, brace, buttress, fortify, keep, shore, stay.

Definition of prop:

  • prop, prop, n. anything on which a weight rests for support: a support: a stay. | v.t. to keep from falling by means of something placed under or against: to support or to sustain in any way: | pr.p. prop’ping; pa.t_. and pa.p. propped. | n. prop’page. (0)

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