Sentence for proudly | Use proudly in a sentence

Proudly sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use proudly in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for proudly.

  • She raised her head proudly. (13)
  • Frederick too, who always wore his heart so proudly! (4)
  • My father raised his head proudly. (10)
  • She kept silent, proudly or regretfully. (10)
  • She came out of her hands to answer him proudly. (10)
  • He is better shaped, and he bears himself more proudly. (9)
  • I regret to say that he stood less proudly for his nation. (10)
  • I regret to say that he stood less proudly for his nation. (22)
  • Straightening herself proudly, she limped toward the kitchen. (5)
  • This they cheerfully admitted; indeed, they proudly affirmed it. (7)
  • The dear cameo lay on her bosom, but not heaving proudly as of old. (10)
  • She again flings her arms about her husband, and then turns proudly to her brother. (9)
  • She saw Renee sitting stonily, too proudly self-respecting to put on a mask of flippant ease. (10)
  • As for De Craye, Willoughby recollected his own exploits too proudly to put his trust in a man. (10)
  • The horses stepped smartly and pranced proudly as their nostrils extended out of their classic heads. (18)
  • Yet I have seen a flower of Erin worn by a Saxon gentleman proudly; and the Hibernian courting a Rowena! (10)
  • She declared proudly that she would assume full responsibility and guard everyone concerned from unpleasant consequences. (12)
  • Anything that went wrong on the first stages of the journey caused him to recapitulate her epithets and reply to them proudly. (10)
  • The greatest energy at that moment was being expended on the dome, which rose proudly over the crossing of the nave and transepts. (5)
  • But I, sir, I, my friend, I, Merthyr, I said proudly that I would not abandon a beaten country: and I was admired for my devotion. (10)
  • The compliment was just returned, coldly and proudly; and, under indescribable irritation of spirits, she was then conveyed to Hartfield. (4)
  • Her mind required to hunger for something, and this Reality which frequently she was forced to loathe, she forced herself proudly to accept, despite her youthfulness. (10)

Also see sentences for: proud, prouder, proudest.

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