Sentence for prowess | Use prowess in a sentence

Use prowess in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use prowess in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for prowess.

  • For daring, hardihood, and bodily prowess they have no superiors. (21)
  • Amongst the Hurons was a tall chief famous for his prowess in war and his gift of eloquence. (19)
  • The ruddy Northman told some tales of his own prowess in keeping order: notably one of a Marquis. (2)
  • But Iberville was then at Placentia, in Newfoundland, bent on finding other fields for his energy and martial prowess. (19)
  • That night sleep dropped not from the dreary skies, Nor could the prowess of our chiefs oppose That sea of raging men. (10)
  • Height and build of body were such as might be expected in the brother of Lady Charlotte and from the tales of his prowess. (10)

Also see sentences for: bravery, courage, fortitude, hardihood, heroism, intrepidity.

Definition of prowess:

  • prowess, prow’es, n. bravery, esp. in war: valour: daring. | adj. prow (_arch._), brave, valiant: | superl. prow’est. (0)

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