Sentence for spasmodic | Use spasmodic in a sentence

Spasmodic used in sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use spasmodic in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for spasmodic.

  • Van Diemen produced a spasmodic cough with a blow on his chest. (10)
  • Or is it the isolation or the continual vibration that carries friendship faster and further than will a spasmodic acquaintanceship of weeks? (8)
  • He was near upon indulging in a fit of terror; but the impolicy of it withheld him from any demonstration, save an involuntary spasmodic ague. (10)
  • He was near upon indulging in a fit of terror; but the impolicy of it withheld him from any demonstration, save an involuntary spasmodic ague. (22)
  • Her hands worked without ceasing amongst cups, and while they worked her lips worked too in spasmodic utterances that never had any reference to herself. (8)

Also see sentences for: capricious, convulsive, fitful, inconstant, intermittent, unstable, variable.

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