Sentence for statesmen | Use statesmen in a sentence

Statesmen in a sample sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use statesmen in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for statesmen.

  • Great is the debt America owes to the French King and statesmen of that time. (19)
  • So shall you see standing many a statue of statesmen who have died in harness for their country. (10)
  • That gospel of strenuous effort, which our statesmen and orators are so fond of shouting forth, has its followers in the little Jackson Harts. (13)
  • Here, we think, is a Cause the experience of whose vicissitudes and the grandeur of whose triumph will be able to give us heroes and statesmen. (14)
  • Cavour challenged debate; he had faith in the active intellect, and that is the thing to be prayed for by statesmen who would register permanent successes. (10)

Also see sentences for: state, stateliness, stately, statement, statesman.

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