Sentence for uncharitable | Use uncharitable in a sentence

A sentence using the word uncharitable. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use uncharitable in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for uncharitable.

  • I think we should punish ourselves for entertaining that uncharitable thought. (8)
  • She was extremely uncharitable: she extended her ungenerous criticism to the institution of the footman: England, and the English, were lashed. (10)
  • Its song refreshed his spirit; its passionate light-heartedness stirred all the love of beauty in him, awoke revolt against a world so murderous and uncharitable. (8)

Also see sentences for: narrow, selfish, sordid, stingy, ungenerous.

Definition of uncharitable:

  • uncharitable, un-char’i-ta-bl, adj. not charitable, harsh in judgment. | n. unchar’itableness. | adv. unchar’itably. | n. unchar’ity, want of charity.(0)

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