Sentence for vegetation | Use vegetation in a sentence

Use the word vegetation in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use vegetation in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for vegetation.

  • As I descended the character of the vegetation altered. (7)
  • She had not known before how much the beginnings and progress of vegetation had delighted her. (4)
  • Do I not know that a woman lives, and is not the rooted piece of vegetation hypocrites and tyrants expect her to be? (10)
  • Here the vegetation gets to be more luxuriant, and every inch of ground contributes to the immense vastness of the whole. (10)
  • It is, indeed, rather agreeable in point of temperature, and the soil being fertile exceedingly, the whole land is covered with a dense and rank vegetation. (7)

Also see sentences for: vegetable, vegetables.

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