Sentence for acknowledgment | Use acknowledgment in a sentence

Sentences with acknowledgment in them. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use acknowledgment in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for acknowledgment.

  • She did at last extort from her father an acknowledgment that the horses were engaged. (4)
  • She bowed again as she passed through the doorway, in acknowledgment of his politeness. (10)
  • Miss Middleton rebuked him, enjoying his wriggle between a perception of her fun and an acknowledgment of his peccancy. (10)
  • Whether the youth did, or did not understand, I am unable to record: I can only say, the appeal was made without acknowledgment. (6)
  • In these contests Mr. Barrett did not fail to acknowledge his errors, when convicted, and his acknowledgment was hearty and ample. (10)
  • Before we departed our ex-cook presented the club with his famous coffee machine as a slight acknowledgment of their kindness to us. (20)
  • To confess that he had not the courage to inquire was as good as an acknowledgment that he knew too much for an innocent questioner. (10)
  • I respectfully protruded my tongue while he withdrew into his palace, spitting politely and with unusual copiousness in acknowledgment. (7)

Also see sentences for: admittance, avowal, business, calling, concession, confession, profession.

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