Sentence for astonish | Use astonish in a sentence

How do you use astonish in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use astonish in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for astonish.

  • Will it astonish you? (4)
  • Does it astonish you? (10)
  • It does not astonish me. (10)
  • They astonish and wound me. (10)
  • I shall astonish them by and by. (10)
  • But I hoped I should astonish you a little, too. (9)
  • I can show you a letter when we meet that will astonish humdrum. (10)
  • It would astonish you to see all the Shoes we wore out in our Tour. (4)
  • I have something to communicate that will astonish you not a little. (4)
  • There was such pent-up fury in those words as to astonish even one whose life had been passed in conflict with majorities. (8)
  • Calculate, my son, that the enemy invariably knows all you intend to do: determine simply to astonish him with what you do. (10)
  • That admirable institution which our venerable elders have imported from Gallia for the instruction of our gaping youth, will edify and astonish you. (10)

Also see sentences for: amaze, confound, daze, dazzle, stagger, surprise.

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