Sentence for dejected | Use dejected in a sentence

Dejected in a sample sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use dejected in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for dejected.

  • He became dejected. (10)
  • Farina was dejected. (10)
  • He was dejected over his tea. (10)
  • He was dejected over his tea. (22)
  • When is she dejected or melancholy? (4)
  • At last he stopped, and sat dejected. (8)
  • She looks perfectly timid, dejected, and penitent. (4)
  • This prisoner had a truly nerveless pitiable dejected air. (8)
  • No funeral was ever attended by mutes so solemn and dejected. (8)
  • I am all the more dejected because you have treated me so well. (14)
  • Boleskey, flogging his dejected steed, cantered forward in the moonlight. (8)
  • On a bench sat a quiet, rather dejected man, whom March asked some question of their way. (9)
  • It is your disposition to be easily dejected and to fancy difficulties greater than they are. (4)
  • The next instant he was in conversation with Laetitia, questioning her upon a dejected droop of her eyelashes. (10)
  • Ultimately Mrs. Berry spoke of the family complication, and with dejected head and joined hands threw out dark hints about Richard. (10)
  • Seated on these wooden chairs, or standing up, were youths, and older men of the working class, who seemed to Shelton to be peculiarly dejected. (8)
  • She was faint with strife and dejected, a condition in the young when their imaginative energies hold revel uncontrolled and are projectively desperate. (10)
  • The high-spirited, joyous-talking Louisa Musgrove, and the dejected, thinking, feeling, reading, Captain Benwick, seemed each of them everything that would not suit the other. (4)

Also see sentences for: crestfallen, depressed, discouraged, disheartened, dispirited, downcast, dull.

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