Sentence for dramatic | Use dramatic in a sentence

Sentences using the word dramatic. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use dramatic in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for dramatic.

  • It was truly dramatic. (4)
  • Arnold loved dramatic display. (18)
  • His music is descriptive, dramatic. (3)
  • How does he secure dramatic expression? (3)
  • Never was man so incorrigibly dramatic. (10)
  • Dramatic truth was ruthlessly sacrificed. (3)
  • Miss Macroyd demanded, in a dramatic whisper. (9)
  • The music shows a ripe mastery of dramatic power. (3)
  • Hers would be the dramatic and not the poetic face. (10)
  • It is, of course, a dramatic, not a didactic appeal. (9)
  • His darling Fredi stood out of it, a dramatic Undine. (10)
  • Its music is brilliant, but lacking in dramatic effect. (3)
  • In fact, it was the masque of a dramatic artist in repose. (10)
  • It is not picturesque, or poetic, or dramatic; it is queer. (9)
  • That is to say, his fiction is to the last degree dramatic. (9)
  • The picture was intensely dramatic, but in no degree theatrical. (1)
  • In the secret musings of moralists this dramatic rhetoric survives. (10)
  • He lacked the strong and rugged dramatic fibre of his predecessor, Monteverde. (3)
  • It might well have done so with his first dramatic vision of that prodigious head. (9)
  • The ballads are dramatic poems in which sentiment and virtuosity are happily united. (3)
  • The two were in a dramatic tangle of the Nice Feelings worth a glance as we pass on. (10)
  • Deliberately, but with no attempt at dramatic impressiveness, the Chief began to speak. (10)
  • If ever she can act on the stage as she spoke to-night, she will be a great dramatic genius. (10)
  • Some of them portray idyllic moods, others are sentimental or even dramatic in their outlines. (3)
  • To her, who knew the plot of this tragi-comedy, its most dramatic moment was well-nigh painful. (8)
  • No matter what the dramatic exigencies might be, adherence to these formulæ was rigidly exacted. (3)
  • How he had come there his elastic tongue explained in tropes and puns and lines of dramatic verse. (10)
  • He imagined it very dramatic, and he was surprised to find it in his experience so largely subjective. (9)
  • He agreed hilariously with me, and was willing to let it stand in proof of his entire dramatic inability. (9)
  • One may suspect some of the other scenes, but one must accept that scene as one of genuine dramatic worth. (9)
  • Like the French Ballet, this was a dramatic entertainment consisting of dialogues, dances, songs, and choruses. (3)
  • The young man fell into a dramatic tearing-of-hair and long-stride fury, not ill becoming an enamoured dragoon. (10)
  • Its music shows much dramatic force, and goes far to redeem those scenes in the libretto that are lacking in action. (3)
  • But in this misery I found that I could not read anything of a dramatic cast, whether in the form of plays or of novels. (9)
  • The choruses in particular are strongly rhythmic and far more dramatic than those which were commonly heard on the stage. (3)
  • Supposing it furnishes only dramatic entertainment in that usually vacant tenement, or powder-shell, it will be of service. (10)
  • The choruses contain powerful and dramatic vocal effects, and though not strictly fugal are intricate in their part-writing. (3)
  • In Germany and England the desire to understand clearly the dramatic movement led to the retention of dialogue in all operas. (3)
  • That was the strange, dramatic climax of the story, fated so to be from the first petty lust for money, from the first fraud. (13)
  • Beaton gave her a very picturesque, a very dramatic sketch of the theory, the purpose, and the personnel of the new enterprise. (9)
  • But as dark a cloud of doubt rested upon its relations to the theatre as still eclipses the popular faith in dramatic criticism. (9)
  • The accompanied recitative was reserved for situations of dramatic importance, and the aria served to express individual emotion. (3)
  • The romance of the subject, its dramatic treatment and undeniable beauty gradually reconciled the public to the novelty of its style. (3)
  • His recitatives show a vigor and an intuitive perception of dramatic effect unsurpassed by any of his contemporaries on the Continent. (3)
  • They are brilliant, poetic and highly dramatic by turns, and in their contents are the most musical studies composed up to their time. (3)
  • He was afraid of showing disquiet by any dramatic change, or he would have carried her off a fortnight at least before his cure was over. (8)
  • The discords which disturb the serenity of a religious atmosphere are admirably fitted to produce dramatic effects and powerful climaxes. (3)
  • It was a masterpiece of audacious dramatic musical genius addressed with sagacious cunning and courage to the sympathizing audience present. (10)
  • Nature is sometimes dramatic, though never on the hard and fast terms of the theatre, but she is almost never epic; and Zola was always epic. (9)
  • Thus, in the Greek tragedy we find the principal features of the modern opera—scenery, dramatic action, solo and choral singing, the orchestra. (3)
  • The composer must make this appeal adequate to the effect; anything less would result in an anti-climax totally disastrous to dramatic illusion. (3)
  • In this the performer recites in the speaking voice while the orchestra supplies an accompaniment which seeks to intensify the dramatic situation. (3)
  • Now, true dramatic action is what characters do, at once contrary, as it were, to expectation, and yet because they have already done other things. (8)
  • After spending some time there, he joined the orchestra of an opera troupe, traveling about France and gaining an insight into dramatic composition. (3)
  • This consists in the choice of brutal phases of life for illustration, told in short, concise forms which concentrate and hasten the dramatic action. (3)
  • The preludes are sketches of varying size; some are genuine lyrics; some frankly technical in their object; others have a distinct touch of the dramatic. (3)
  • Every one knows what delightful dinners you give; but these little dramatic episodes which you offer your guests, by way of appetizer, are certainly unique. (9)
  • Philosophy was not for him a system of independent reasoning, but rather the unclassified winged thoughts on high themes embodied in great poetic and dramatic art. (14)
  • Donizetti was not without innate force, but his great melodic facility led him to rely upon melody rather than upon musical development or dramatic characterization. (3)

Also see sentences for: artificial, histrionic, theatrical.

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