Sentence for sentry | Use sentry in a sentence

Sentences with sentry in them. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use sentry in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for sentry.

  • Sentry after sentry was passed by Wolfe and his men with the same result. (19)
  • Then we found ourselves in the presence of a sentry with a rifle on his shoulder, who was rather more exacting. (9)
  • The two approached the mansion and a sentry challenged them, but the Adjutant was recognized and allowed to enter. (18)
  • The sentry was satisfied; his comrades had been expecting provision boats from Montreal, and he thought they had arrived. (19)
  • So frequent became the Indian attacks that the men of Halifax formed themselves into a militia, and a sentry paced the streets every night. (19)

Also see sentences for: guard, sentinel, watch, watchman.

Definition of sentry:

  • sentry, sen’tri, n. a sentinel: a soldier on guard to observe the approach of danger: a watch-tower. | ns sen’try-box, a box to shelter a sentry; sen’try-go, any active military duty. (0)

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