Sentence for suave | Use suave in a sentence

Suave in a sample sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use suave in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for suave.

  • That one suave word had an inimitable insolence. (8)
  • Nedda, following his eyes, saw a robust, quick-eyed man with a suave insolence in his dark, clean-shaved face. (8)
  • He was this day the consummate beau, suave, but monarchical, and his manner of speech partook of his external grandeur. (10)

Also see sentences for: affable, bland, civil, courteous, courtly, deferential, gracious.

Definition of suave:

  • suave, swv, or swäv, adj. pleasant: agreeable. | adv. suve’ly. | n. suav’ity. (0)

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