Sentence for occupying | Use occupying in a sentence

Sentence for occur | Use occur in a sentence

Sentence for occurred | Use occurred in a sentence

Sentence for occurrence | Use occurrence in a sentence

Sentence for occurrences | Use occurrences in a sentence

Sentence for occurring | Use occurring in a sentence

Sentence for occurs | Use occurs in a sentence

Sentence for ocean | Use ocean in a sentence

Sentence for octagon | Use octagon in a sentence

Sentence for octave | Use octave in a sentence

Sentence for october | Use october in a sentence

Sentence for odd | Use odd in a sentence

Sentence for odder | Use odder in a sentence

Sentence for oddest | Use oddest in a sentence

Sentence for oddities | Use oddities in a sentence

Sentence for oddly | Use oddly in a sentence

Sentence for odds | Use odds in a sentence

Sentence for ode | Use ode in a sentence

Sentence for odes | Use odes in a sentence

Sentence for odious | Use odious in a sentence

Sentence for odor | Use odor in a sentence

Sentence for odorous | Use odorous in a sentence

Sentence for odour | Use odour in a sentence

Sentence for odours | Use odours in a sentence

Sentence for of | Use of in a sentence

Sentence for off | Use off in a sentence

Sentence for off-hand | Use off-hand in a sentence

Sentence for offence | Use offence in a sentence

Sentence for offences | Use offences in a sentence

Sentence for offend | Use offend in a sentence

Sentence for offended | Use offended in a sentence

Sentence for offender | Use offender in a sentence

Sentence for offenders | Use offenders in a sentence

Sentence for offending | Use offending in a sentence

Sentence for offends | Use offends in a sentence

Sentence for offense | Use offense in a sentence

Sentence for offensive | Use offensive in a sentence

Sentence for offensively | Use offensively in a sentence

Sentence for offer | Use offer in a sentence

Sentence for offered | Use offered in a sentence

Sentence for offering | Use offering in a sentence

Sentence for offers | Use offers in a sentence